On July 12, 1984, the Ustyurt Nature State Reserve was formed in the Karakiya district of the Mangystau region. It was founded on the territory of 223.3 thousand hectares to protect nature on the Ustyurt plateau. The reason for the opening of the reserve was the rapid development of the Mangystau lands, while rare species of animals and plants were and still are living on the Ustyurt plateau. In general, the Ustyurt plateau is considered one of the most remarkable places in Central Asia. The steep edge of the plateau, consisting of limestone and chalk, is part of the reserve. This place proves that there used to be a seabed on the territory of Ustyurt. The beauty of this cliff enchants the human eye with its beauty and iridescent colours.

In general, the landscape of the reserve is diverse: somewhere these are places where you can still see old riverbeds, in other places, there are many salt deposits, including the famous Kenderli-sor. On the territory of the Ustyurt reserve, there is Karynzharyk  - an incredibly beautiful site that will not leave you indifferent. Detailed information about Karynzharyk is available on our website separately. The beauties of Ustyurt deserve special praise, so the construction of the reserve was a great idea to preserve these beauties for future generations.

The temperature of Ustyurt is dry, which is hard to assume that earlier trade caravans of the Great Silk Road passed here. Several centuries ago, life was in full swing here, but as a result of the draining of the Amu Darya, active life came to nought. Nevertheless, among the cracks of rocks, Ustyurt has its reserves of water, due to which the local fauna and flora live.

Speaking of flora, there are about 600 species of different plants. Most of them are typical desert plants. These are different shrub species such as various types of wormwood, biyurgun, sarsazan. Boyalich shrub is considered to be rarer. In addition to them, there is also a tree species, which, due to their small amount, more resemble shrubs, this is black saxaul.

If we mention the fauna of the Ustyurt Natural Reserve, then representatives of the Red Book live here: the short-winged bolivaria, grasshoppers - steppe and dark-winged, Hymenoptera - grey rhophytoides and steppe scolia, gigatsky bumpkin, butterflies - red-spotted bear, amphibians in the most humid places, etc. there is a green toad.

The main inhabitants of the reserve are snakes (about 9 different species) and lizards (17 species). Ustyurt is home to a large number of birds, different species of larks, as well as the famous beauty bustard. It is noteworthy that the reserve is home to a large number of birds of prey. Some of them are even included in the Red Book, these are eagles: golden eagles, burial grounds, steppe, and a snake eagle with a saker falcon.

One cannot but mention the wild predators of Ustyurt, especially the cheetah. A beautiful representative of the feline family in its appearance has more similarity to a dog. The ability to develop its speed up to 90 km / h especially distinguishes the cheetah from other felines. However, it is almost impossible for a person to meet him. However, over the past few years, it has been filmed several times by cameras installed on the territory of the state nature reserve.

Three species of artiodactyls are represented on Ustyurt: the saiga, which comes here mainly in winter. It is noteworthy that our reserve is the only one on whose territory saiga is protected. One of the most common is the gazelle. The Ustyurt mouflon is considered an interesting inhabitant of the reserve; in some sources, it is referred to as a Turkmen sheep. The habitation of this slender ram on the territory of Ustyurt became one of the main reasons for the opening of the reserve.

Besides, about fifty representatives of mammals are represented in the Ustyurt reserve. Conservation of nature is our common duty. The creation by the authorities of the state natural Ustyurt reserve and its proper care is an excellent example for the younger generation that nature is our home.

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