One of the most picturesque beaches in Kazakhstan is the Blue Bay beach, which is located in the Mangystau region on the Mangyshlak Peninsula. The Bay is considered one of the largest on the Kazakh part of the Caspian coast. This beach is one of the most popular places for summer holidays for locals and tourists. The clear waters of the Caspian sea are washed by a clean sandy shore. In hot summer, in clear weather, the sea water gets a rich bright turquoise color. In cloudy weather, when clouds gather over the sea and it rains, the sea water gets a heavy leaden hue.

The people of this beach have a second name - “sixty-third kilometer”, because the beach is located on the road that runs from Aktau to the small town of Fort Shevchenko. Not far from the sandy beach, hikers can find a very picturesque natural attraction — "Devil's finger". This place is also very popular with diving enthusiasts who can explore the scenic beauty of the Caspian sea.

The Bay with Paradise views is located in the South-Western part of the Mangyshlak Peninsula, at a distance of eighty kilometers from the city of Aktau. Fifteen kilometers South of the Bay is the picturesque Cape Sagyndyk. The closest settlement in the area of the beach is the village of Kyzyluzen, which is located in the North thirty-three kilometers. About thirty kilometers from the Blue Bay is the most picturesque Peninsula of Tyub-Karagan.

Blue Bay is formed by the unique joint location of the Tulkili canyon and the Uzynkudyk rock formation. Earlier,in the early twentieth century, this place was a Parking lot for fishermen who fished here. This place used to be called "Tulkili", which translates from Kazakh as"Fox hole".

Blue Bay combines an extremely beautiful transparent blue expanse of the Caspian sea and a warm, soft beach. One of the main features of the climate of this place is almost year-round clear weather.

History lovers will be interested in the remains of a stone wall that can be found on the South side of the Bay. The wall was built in the Middle ages to protect against enemies. On the Northern part of the Bay, you can find well-preserved parts of an ancient multi-track road. Once, in ancient times, it was used by merchants on carts loaded with fish and other goods for a lively trade.

In summer, the air here is filled with the aroma of wormwood. In addition to this fragrant plant, a huge number of various steppe plants and shrubs grow near the Bay in spring and summer. Very often in the fall, tourists collect berries and medicinal field plants here.

The warm and quiet sandy coast attracts a wide variety of animals. Very often you can see snakes, turtles, lizards and monitor lizards. Not far from the Bay, if you drive a little further into the steppe, you can meet herds of peacefully grazing saigas, wild horses and gazelles. Blue Bay is a kind of transit point, a recreation area for birds, which is located on the path of their annual migrations: swans, wild geese and ducks.

How to get there?

this popular wild beach is located on the highway from Aktau to Fort Shevchenko. Getting there by public transport is quite difficult. It will be much more comfortable to rent a car in Aktau. It is recommended to rent a car with all-wheel drive, as

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