Kazakh cuisine clearly shows people's love for meat dishes. The main feature of national Kazakh cuisine is that all the dishes are hearty. The reason is the nomadic lifestyle. Since ancient times, the Kazakh has been famous for its hospitality and a variety of dishes on the table. There are many dishes, and there is a variety of them. In our article, we will share only the main ones.


The main dish on the Kazakh table is beshbarmak. From ancient times this dish has been served to guests. It consists of meat (lamb, beef, horse meat, or camel meat - to the taste), special thin homemade flatbread, which is cooked in a rich broth, and poured on top with boiled onions. The dish is very tasty and it is the hallmark of the country.

It is called beshbarmak (five fingers) because traditionally this dish is eaten with hands, but tourists, of course, eat it with cutlery.


Kuyrdak is a frequent element of the Kazakh table. It is often prepared from lamb meat and offal. Today, this dish is served with fried potatoes fried until golden brown. Also, it is served with onion gravy that fried on a fat tail.

Bauyrsaki have been a traditional element of the Kazakh menu for several centuries. Bauyrsaki are cooked from yeast dough, fried over the fire. Unleavened bauyrsaks are served with hot dishes instead of bread, and sweet ones - with sweets in the form of a dessert. Hot bauyrsaks are especially tasty. Usually, Kazakh families cook them at least once every two weeks.


Kazy is a dish that is served hot in beshbarmak or served cold on the table. It resembles a sausage in shape, but in reality, it is horse meat and fat wrapped in guts. Kazy will appeal to any meat eater and will not leave indifferent any person who once tasted it. An interesting fact: once in Kazakhstan, kazy were prepared with a length of 100 meters and a weight of 1 ton, thereby making it into the Guinness Book of Records.


Kurt is a fermented milk product widespread in Central Asia. It comes in the form of balls and small cakes. It is made from livestock milk. It tastes sweet and sour. Kurt is an attribute of the Kazakh table, the inhabitants of Kazakhstan, regardless of their nation, are very fond of kurt. It can even be found on supermarket shelves.


Zhent is one of the kinds of Kazakh desserts. It is prepared from dried cottage cheese and toasted crushed millet, which is seasoned with ghee, sugar, and honey. For a change, various nuts and dried fruits are sometimes added to it. Zhent is very sweet, so it should be eaten with traditional Kazakh milk tea. It is convenient to carry zhent and kurt with you to other countries to acquaint other people with Kazakh culture.

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