Since ancient times, Kazakhs managed a nomadic lifestyle, and the horse was obligatory in the life of any nomad. Horses were used both for riding and for transporting goods. A century ago, every inhabitant of modern Kazakhstan, not excepting women and children, was a good rider. However, as a result of industrialization, the horse lost the importance in the eyes of the Kazakhs that it had before. Nevertheless, due to habit and memory, Kazakhstanis are very fond of horseback riding. Equestrian sport helps in physical development, has a good effect on well-being.

National horse races (kyz kuu, kazan tartys, etc.) are still practised on the territory of Kazakhstan. There is a hippodrome in the Mangystau region with a stable. This place is located within the city, for schoolchildren who are engaged in equestrian sports, buses are organized there. Besides, there is a stable on the territory of the city, in the Samal region. This place has become a favourite place for photo shoots, in particular for young couples in national clothes. As you know, Mangystau is one of the regions of Kazakhstan, where traditions are respected to this day.

Horse rental within the city is charged by the hour, there is an additional function of horse riding training. For professional riders, the first stable is more suitable, where there are more horses, as well as a larger riding area itself. The riding school is open to anyone, and for schoolchildren, apart from free transport, there is no need to pay for the tuition itself. This is a big plus, as not all parents can afford to educate their children. From childhood, children are instilled in love and care for animals. The best riders from school are sent to regional competitions.

Horseback riding is a great leisure idea for adults and children. By signing up in advance, you can have a great time with a big company in the fresh air. Then you can stroll along the beautiful embankment of the Caspian Sea. Have a great time!

Horse riding training, photo session, hippotherapy

Address: Aktau 15 MKR hotel complex "Samal"

Instagram: Loshadi_aktau_samal

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