7 reasons to visit Aktau immediately

In 2017, the Alkettik [Travel Vlog] YouTube channel published the 25-minute issue of Anuar Nurpeisov “7 reasons to visit Aktau immediately”. In his video, the blogger talks about how lucky the residents of the Mangystau region are, because of the opportunity to admire the sea every day is a great benefit.

The first reason to visit Aktau Anuar calls all sorts of water activities. First, he stood on the paddleboard. The blogger liked this type of entertainment. Then Anuar tried underwater fishing with a gun. This type of rest requires much more concentration than resting on sup-boards. However, Anuar noted that spearfishing is exciting and helps relax and to abstract from the outside world.

The second reason to visit Aktau Anuar considers "fishbarmak" - a type of national dish beshbarmak served in the west. The main difference between fishbarmak and the typical dish is that it is made from fish. Anuar, not being lazy, directly participated in the preparation of the dish. During the meal, he laughs that he "went to this for 32 years." The blogger liked the fishbarmak, and especially the fact that after it there is no heaviness, like after meat, and he advises every tourist to try it.

Then Anuar and his team went to the Akmyshtau area - this is the third reason to visit Aktau. Here, the team found small fossilized shells, indicating that the bottom of the sea used to be here. According to historians, Akmysh was a kind of fortress during the battles of the steppe inhabitants. Previously, it was possible to hide inside the mountain, but now all the roads have been washed away. The blogger agrees with the opinion of most people who say that the nature of Mangystau is mysterious. Here you can swim in the sea in the morning and admire the landscapes of the steppe in the afternoon.

The next, fourth reason to visit Aktau, Anuar calls visiting holy places. As you know, there are 362 of them on Mangystau. Anuar's team chose to visit one of the largest - the Shakpak-ata mosque. After they reached the place in the late afternoon, they stopped near the guest house of the visitors of the shrine. Once inside the mosque, Anuar celebrates the tranquillity of the place, which has existed for about a thousand years. The walls of the shrine are covered with Arabic script and various wall drawings. The architecture of the building strikes the human eye and raises many questions about how this building was built. After Anuar went to the underground mosque Sultan-upa, on the way stopping into the incredible beauty of the Kapamsay gorge. Sultan-upa dates back to the 9-13th centuries and the way this mosque was built is striking to the eye. According to historians, the Sufis left here and were in pitch darkness in search of answers to the questions of their soul. The walls of Sultan-upa are also painted in Arabic script, and the silence of this place is a little scary.

The fifth reason to visit Aktau and a kind of "highlight of the program" are Cape Zhygylgan. The beauty of this place will surprise even the sophisticated tourist, including Anuar. Anuar considers it an unforgivable mistake to come to Mangystau and not to drive 100 kilometres to visit Zhygylgan (a fallen place). We have a separate article about this place on our website. And, indeed, not a single camera captures the amazing beauty of Zhygylgan.

On his return to Aktau, Anuar became one of the first guests to wakeboard. Since then, for 3 years, this type of marine entertainment has been loved by guests and residents of Aktau. A simple mechanism and quick learning dispose of vacationers.

And, finally, the seventh reason to come to Aktau is the Caspian Sea. The reason that attracts thousands of tourists here every year. Refreshing seawater and soft sandy bottom are the undoubted advantages of the Caspian Sea. According to Anuar, Aktau differs from all other regions of Kazakhstan. Different natural landscapes, in places reminiscent of the wild steppes of America, and in places similar to other planets, different people and delicious cuisine will not leave indifferent any of the tourists.

These were 7 reasons to visit Aktau immediately, according to Anuar Nurpeisov, who left Mangystau and promised to return more than once. Visit Mangystau! Here everyone will find something that they will like.

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